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Death Knight: Closed
Druid: Closed
Hunter: Closed
Mage: Closed
Monk: Closed
Paladin: Closed
Priest: Closed
Rogue: Closed
Shaman: Closed
Warlock: Closed
Warrior: Closed

Mythic Progress
Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand: 31 March '15
The Blast Furnace: 08 March '15
The Iron Maidens: 21 Feb '15
Kromog: 15 Feb '15
Operator Thogar: 13 Feb '15
Flamebender Ka'graz: 12 Feb '15
Hans'gar and Franzok: 12 Feb '15
Oregorger: 11 Feb '15
Gruul: 11 Feb '15
Beastlord Darmac: 11 Feb '15

Imperator Mar'gok: 06 Jan '15
Ko'ragh: 17 Dec '14
Twin Ogron: 11 Dec '14
Tectus: 14 Dec '14
Brackenspore: 13 Dec '14
The Butcher: 19 Dec '14
Kargath Bladefist: 10 Dec '14
Heroic 25 Progress
Siege of Orgrimmar
Garrosh Hellscream: 11 Nov '13
Paragons of the Klaxxi: 28 Oct '13
Siegecrafter Blackfuse: 13 Oct '13
Thok the Bloodthirsty: 29 Sept '13
Spoils of Pandaria: 24 Sept '13
Malkorok: 22 Sept '13
General Nazgrim: 19 Sept '13
Kor'kron Dark Shaman: 19 Sept '13
Iron Juggernaut: 19 Sept '13
Galakras: 18 Sept '13
Sha of Pride: 25 Sept '13
Norushen: 18 Sept '13
The Fallen Protectors: 18 Sept '13
Immerseus: 18 Sept '13

Throne of Thunder
Ra-den: 29 April '13
Lei Shen: 16 April '13
Twin Consorts: 24 March '13
Iron Qon: 23 March '13
Dark Animus: 23 March '13
Primordius: 16 March '13
Durumu the Forgotten: 15 March '13
Ji-Kun: 14 March '13
Megaera: 13 March '13
Tortos: 13 March '13
Council of Elders: 13 March '13
Horridon: 13 March '13
Jin'rokh the Breaker: 13 March '13

Terrace of Endless Spring
Sha of Fear: 29 Nov '12
Lei Shi: 22 Nov '12
Tsulong: 22 Nov '12
Protectors: 21 Nov '12

Heart of Fear
Empress Shek'zeer: 13 Nov '12
Amber-Shaper Un'sok: 10 Nov '12
Wind Lord Mel'jarak: 09 Nov '12
Garalon: 09 Nov '12
Blade Lord Ta'yak: 09 Nov '12
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok: 09 Nov '12

Mogu'shan Vaults
Will of the Emperor: 13 Oct '12
Elegon: 13 Oct '12
The Spirit Kings: 12 Oct '12
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder: 11 Oct '12
Feng the Accursed: 10 Oct '12
The Stone Guard: 10 Oct '12

Dragon Soul
Madness of Deathwing: 03 Jan '12
Spine of Deathwing: 01 Jan '12
Warmaster Blackhorn: 16 Dec '11
Ultraxion: 15 Dec '11
Hagara the Stormbinder: 14 Dec '11
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping: 14 Dec '11
Warlord Zon'ozz: 14 Dec '11
Morchok: 14 Dec '11

Ragnaros: 18 Aug '11
Md. F. Staghelm: 13 July '11
Baleroc: 11 July '11
Alysrazor: 08 July '11
Beth'tilac: 07 July '11
Lord Rhyolith: 06 July '11
Shannox: 06 July '11

Blackwing Descent
Nefarian: 13 Feb '11
Atramedes: 08 Jan '11
Chimaeron: 03 Jan '11
Maloriak: 02 Jan '11
Magmaw: 06 Jan '11
Omnotron Def. Sys.: 02 Jan '11

Bastion of Twilight
Sinestra: 10 Feb '11
Cho'gall: 30 Jan '11
Elementium Monstrosity: 22 Jan '11
Valiona and Theralion: 11 Jan '11
Halfus Wyrmbreaker: 18 Dec '10

Throne of the Four Winds
Al'Akir: 15 Feb '11
Conclave of Wind: 28 Dec '10

Ruby Sanctum
Halion: 05 July '10

Icecrown Citadel
Fall of the Lich King: 11 May '10
The Plagueworks: 11 March '10
The Frostwing Halls: 04 March '10
The Crimson Hall: 21 Feb '10
Storming the Citadel: 19 Feb '10

Trial of the Grand Crusader
A Tribute to Insanity: 01 Nov '09
A Tribute to Mad Skill: 07 Oct '09
A Tribute to Skill: 17 Sept '09

Alone in the Darkness: 09 Aug '09
Observed: 05 July '09
Firefighter: 13 June '09
One Light: 08 June '09
Heartbreaker: 21 May '09
Orbit-uary: 20 May '09
Smell of Saronite: 19 May '09
Knock, Knock, Knock: 18 May '09
Choose Steelbreaker: 13 May '09
This Cache Was Rare: 06 May '09
Lose Your Illusion: 24 April '09
Secrets of Ulduar: 17 April '09

Eye of Eternity
Malygos: 18 Nov '08

Kel'Thuzad: 17 Nov '08

Obsidian Sanctum
Sartharion: 16 Nov '08

Sunwell Plateau
Kil'jaeden: 07 June '08

Black Temple
Illidan Stormrage: 28 Aug '07

Hyjal Summit
Archimonde: 20 Aug '07

Tempest Keep
Kael'thas Sunstrider: 26 June '07

Serpentshrine Cavern
Lady Vashj: 12 June '07